Well, I have been debating with myself the past few days. Should I run a few half marathons this year or not? Should I take that step and sign up for the full marathon in Mumbai? The question actually leads back to am I committed and do I desire to train and run these marathons? For this year I have decided that if I do run a half or a full marathon, I must be in pretty good shape and fitness and run one.
I want to be able to RUN the marathon and not FINISH the marathon. On the other hand, I also realized that the motivation to train and run really comes from making that commitment and signing up for the marathon itself. From being on the other end of the spectrum and saying that I won't sign up for the marathons because I'm not ready, I'm slowly shifting to thinking I really want to run these marathons, let me sign up for them and I'll figure out some way to train for them and be as ready as I can be for them.
I think all this comes from a part of me that does not want to lose the physically fit and active part of my life. Keeping myself involved and aspiring towards these marathons keeps me in check and makes sure that I don't get lazy or don't start making excuses. Also, it forces me to set aside time for myself, which is really needed looking at the amount of time and mindspace I spend working.
I believe I have pretty much figured it out myself. I think there are going to be a few marathons coming this year. I think it's only going to get better from there. It's going to keep me on track and give me time and space to clear my mind and pump adrenaline through my system, which will keep me going and push efficiency, effectiveness and everything else!
Run Meena Run!