Friday, August 20, 2010

Sense of possibility

Last week I was at my wit's end with what incentives and investment strategies I could use with Simran to get her to do her work and complete it. It seemed impossible. She was extremely slow with her writing, even if it was just copying from the board, she didn't complete any of her homework, she didn't bother to write in the workbooks or even complete assignments in her notebook. I tried telling her all different things. I know she absolutely adored me but for some reason didn't see reason in completing her work.

Finally, before she was leaving school one day I told her that she would not be allowed into my class the next morning if she didn't complete all her pending work. If she didn't, she would have to stay outside class and complete the work and then she would be allowed into the class. She agreed and left the class. I kept my fingers crossed that this strategy would work.

The next morning she came in again with her work incomplete and I sent her out immediately and told her that only if she completed her work she would be allowed to be part of the class. I believe this struck a cord somewhere and in record time she completed her work and came into class to show it to me. I was amazed to see that not only had she completed it all, she had also gotten it all correct.

That day, at the end of the school day, I told her again that she would not be allowed into class the next morning if she didn't complete her work. The next morning she walked into class all proud and beaming. She very proudly pulled out her workbooks and showed me that she had completed all her work. I was elated and ecstatic.

Again, for the millionth time, I learnt not to give up, at any point on any of my kids....they were all going to make it...but I had to believe...because if I didn't, no one else would....for them, all they have is a belief and a hope....

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